Tenho traduzido alguns poemas meus para o inglês; eis em que se transformou o "A Meta Mor... (Fit Alter Et Idem)", publicado originalmente como http://naofiquesao.blogspot.com/2006/01/meta-mor-fit-alter-et-idem.html neste blog, em 05 de janeiro de 2006:
Alter Et Idem
The volatile bird recites the soluble fish
And then suddenly every scripture
Tells the history of any literature
The unintelligents are eligible
In the untranslatable universality
Ismisms even so preferables
Than the great indigestible banality
Library that always keeps illiteracy
As the worst labyrinth is a straight line in the end
In the lonely lectures since infancy
To become another and the same is a trend
I gaze the double error in a mental mirror
Alter me a little as we both are reflected
And I is another from me disconnected